Before the current monetary system can be fully appreciated, it’s helpful to look back at history and see how money and systems governing the use of money have evolved. Thousands of years ago, people had to barter if they wanted to get something. That worked well if the two people each ...
Money is the good that is most universal, in the sense that people want it, or realize they can trade for it and then easily and reliably trade it for something else they do want. Other definitions consider money to be “that which extinguishes debt”, but debt is generally denominated in...
The only exception to the above rule is that USPS offers 3 flat rate shipping options, small, medium and large. If you can manage to shove merchandise that is heavier than 2lbs into a small flat rate box (unlikely), you can save about 10 dollars. However more realistically, you will ne...
See his commentary in "WSJ on ever increasing hourly rate: anyone else get a sense of deja vu?" at his always-provocative In Search of Perfect Client Service. He is one of a handful of people who is changing our profession. Brit pundit, law professor and velvet-voiced Charon QC, ...
These are the good times, but why are subprime credit cards, auto loans, and short-term installment loans blowing out? This is the transcript from my podcast last Sunday,THE WOLF STREET REPORT: OK, we’ve got a situation in subprime consumer loans. The delinquency rate on credit-card loan...
WSJ said, "Under the Biden administration, insurers focused on Medicare Advantage have faced increased scrutiny from the federal government, such as lower annual rate increases. This came at a time when seniors drove up usage of the plans, leading to lower profitability." ...
I was locked in at a previous rate. Those rates only apply to new sign ups. You cant use what I was paying as an example because of that. The picture I posted is currently from I will edit this with the actual url in a moment. Edit:
How to pay off your credit card debt 4:15 What is a Health Savings Account (HSA) and how does it work? 3:16 Should I refinance my mortgage? Here's how to decide. 3:25 The stock market could predict who's going to win the election...
After you've opened your CD and locked in these still-competitive rates, you don't need to worry that your ROI will decline over time, which is important as the Federal Reserve is in a rate-cutting cycle. "Current downward pressure on short-term rates from the Federal Reserve and ...
" Boston says. "For silver to return to its 2011 high, for the simple fact that gold is already there, could mean nearly doubling your investment dollar from current levels. You may have a lot more upside in silver with a lot less downside risk, so that's where I believe inves...