A feed-in tariff is a performance-based solar incentive. Learn more about what they are and how they can help increase solar adoption.
A further objective is to take a closer look at the production cost of these solar PV systems to compare with the introduced feed-in tariffs. The review results show that the gap between production cost of PV electricity and the feed-in tariff is relatively high, particularly in those states...
A protective tariff is a financial decision by a government to apply a tax on the importation of foreign goods. This is often done...
An import tariff can have a negative or positive effect on the country imposing the tariff. It typically causes a foreign good to be more expensive because the foreign country selling the good raises the price of its good to offset the tariff it is charged. Therefore, the consumer must pay ...
AsianFin – Hefty tariff hikes on a range of Chinese products, including on electric vehicles, semiconductors, batteries and steel, is part of incumbent U.S. President Joe Biden’s election-year effort to win more votes by allegedly protecting the U.S. domestic industry. What repercussions are...
The second key uncertainty relates to the Feed-in Tariff (“FiT”) for wind (8.5c/kWh onshore and 9.8c/kWh offshore) which expires in November 2021. We are aware that a proposal has been circulated by MOIT to extend the FiT, reducing on a sliding scale through to 2024. However, it...
We update the status of the US tariff exclusion process on additional tariffs implemented on Chinese imports during the US-China trade war.
The most likely way you’ll make extra money from the grid is via a policy tool known as the “Feed-in Tariff”. It sounds mysterious. Actually it’s quite simple. It’s the amount that the utility pays you when you feed electricity into the grid, regardless of the current retail elec...
Opting for an efficient solar solution maximises the energy you feed into the grid, enhancing the financial benefits of these tariffs. Remember, while a higher feed-in tariff is advantageous, the overall savings and earnings will depend on your system’s efficiency and energy consumption patterns....
To find the current tariff rates, visit the BEIS tariffs and payments page. What recent changes have there been to the Renewable Heat Incentive? Since it was first launched in 2014, there have been several changes to the Ofgem RHI rules. This is because the BEIS reviews its policies from...