Day 67Day of the year is a number between 1 and 365 (in 2025), January 1 is day 1. After today 298 days are remaining in this year. This page uses the ISO-8601 ordinal date format. There is also another less-used format: the 'ISO day of year' numbers, this is a number ...
what is the date today和what day is it today这两个句子都有询问日期的意思,但它们的侧重点和使用场合有所不同。1、首先,它们的侧重点不同。what day is it today?主要询问的是今天是周几,“today”在这里作为副词,表示时间状语。例如,what day is it today?今天星期几呢?而what's the...
一、指代不同 1、what's the date:今天几月几号。2、what day is it:今天是几号 二、用法不同 1、what's the date:date的基本意思是“(注明的)日期,日子,年份”,是可数名词,不一定只指某一天,可以统指年、月、日,但不用于“星期”或单独用于“月份”。2、what day is it:day的...
Week 10 is from Monday, March 3, 2025 until (and including) Sunday, March 9, 2025.Week number according to the ISO-8601 standard, weeks starting on Monday. The first week of the year is the week that contains that year's first Thursday (='First 4-day week'). ISO representation: ...
英语里有两个容易混淆的问句,What's the date today? 和 What day is today? What's the date today? 是问几月几号;Whatday is today? 是问星期几。为什么? 首先看What's the date today? Date的意思是“日期”,所以这句话是问日期,就是几月几日。 再来看What day is today? Day的意思是“天”,...
/What date is it today?/What's today's date? 回答是这样:It's February second。今天是二月二日(二月的第二天,序数词, 月份要大写) It's the fifth of March.今天是三月五日 今天星期几?What day is today? Today is Friday.(星期的英文也要大写)...
而 "what day is it" 中的 "day" 作为可数名词时,指的是某一天,不可数时指的是白天,通常不加冠词。再者,侧重点不同。当使用 "what's the date" 时,重点在于日期,询问具体的年月日。而 "what day is it" 时,重点在于 "is it",即询问是哪一天,关注的是具体的星期几。
1. 释义区别:"What's the day?" 是在询问某一具体日期的名字,即询问今天是星期几或是几号。例如:A: What's the day?B: It's Monday."What's the day today?" 是在询问当前的日期。例如:A: What's the day today?B: Today is July 25th.2. 语法区别:"What's the day?" 是一个...
同学你是不是很疑惑,明明Mike是问今天几号。但是外籍同事却回复周一这么奇怪的。必叔告诉你原因是Mike的What day is it today在英语语法中并不是问别人几号,而是问别人今天是星期几。所以外籍同事才会回复周一。 正确的问他人具...
See what today's date is and what the current date is in numbers, including MM-DD-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY. See how to find today's date in Excel.