请问下,What is the current account balance of a nation with a government budget deficit of128 billion,private saving of 806 billion,and domestic capital formation of$777 billion? 答案 1280亿美元政府预算赤字,8060亿美元私人储蓄,国内资本组成7770亿美元,这个国家的现金帐户余额是多少?会翻译,不会算,你...
1)What is the current account balance of a nation with a government budget deficit of$128 billion, private saving of$806 billion, and domestic capital formation of$777 billion? 2) “A country is better off running a current account surplus rather than a current account deficit.” Do you...
The current account reflects the frequent occurrence of domestic and foreign projects, including trade balance (i.e. import and export), labor income and expenditure (such as pport, port, communications and Tourism) and unilateral pfer (e.g. remittance, gratuitous assistance and donation, inter ...
A current account is an assessment of a country's current balance of transactions. If the current account is in surplus, it means that a nation has excess funds and is investing money overseas. When in deficit, a nation is borrowing from other countries to finance its activities. This ...
(b) What is the balance in the capital account? Balance of Payment: In international trade, the balance of payment consists of two accounts: the current account and the capital account. The current account tracks the flow of...
A country's current account deficit is equal to the net outflow of goods, services, investment income, and transfers. A country's current account can be in balance, in deficit, or in surplus at any given time. Whether in surplus or deficit, the current account's non-zero balance must ...
A. Current account and fixed account B. Capital account and deposit account C. Capital account and current account D. The account recording transfer payment and the account including an offsetting transaction 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C 正确答案:C 解析:答案为C项。国际收支平衡表中的两大主要账...
The statement balance tells you how much you owe after a single billing cycle, while the current balance is a more up-to-date account of your credit card debt.
Since the trade balance (exports minus imports) is generally the biggest determinant of the current account surplus or deficit, the current account balance often displays a cyclical trend. During a strongeconomic expansion, import volumes typically surge; if exports are unable to grow at the same ...
Thetrade deficitor trade surplus is almost always the largest component of a country's current account balance. It is the total value of its trade with foreign countries. It is the difference in value between exports and imports.3 If it exports more than it imports, it will have ...