Conspiracy theories abound: is this $500 million merely a settlement in lieu of paying taxes? Isn’t it curious that Netflix just so happened to raise monthly subscription fees by a dollar? Without the guidance of a watchdog committee such as the CRTC, how will Netflix be held accou...
•SHA-2 compliant:Canada's Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-435 mandates TSPs to use SHA-2 encryption by mid-2016. Few data exchange companies have been certified in every Drummond SHA-2 test since that option was introduced in 2012, and the use of SHA-2 encryption is only gaining in populari...
It appears that the Internet is soon going to fulfill its potential to become a giant on-demand repository of television shows (and movies) available async
Established by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, or CRTC, to help enable mobile users to more easily switch mobile service providers while retaining their number, fraudsters are using the relatively simple SIM swap process and guidelines to their...
One of the smaller, mom secluded, and less well known of the many Toronto ravines, it is in danger of becoming a literary shrine, having now figwed in two Atwood novels (The Edible lVoman IS the other), in Hugh Hood's essay "The Governor's Bridge is Closed," and in Hood's ...
Different models have been put forward to assess the accuracy of live captions, whether based on captioning theory [17], the everyday practice of live captioning [18] or the automatization of quality assessment [14]. In Canada, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC...