The most popular football helmet brand among NFL linebackers is Riddell and by a wide margin. This past season, we saw 81% of starting NFL linebackers wearing Riddell helmets – a majority of them in the Riddell Speedflex. The Speedflex is the most popular helme...
A few short weeks ago I had the second best job in America. No, I wasn’t a backup quarterback in the NFL. That’s the best job. I was the backup to the Prognosticator of the United States of America. I was the Vice Prognosticator. It was largely ceremonial. All I really had to ...
This is the first season we’ve covered football, and while we’ve got some of the top playerLockersadded, we also took the time to log the helmets, cleats and gloves of all 715 NFL starters. Crazy, I know. But that’s how we roll. This research provides us with valuable inf...
Football safety is a huge issue threatening the future of a 150-year old sport, as more research pairs on-field blows to the head to long-term brain damage. The NFLagreed to a $765 million concussion settlement lawsuitwith former players and their families in 2013, and has changed its r...
The Moon has a smell. It has no air, but it has a smell. Each pair of Apollo astronauts to land on the Moon tramped lots of Moon dust back into the lunar module—it was deep gray, fine-grained and extremely clingy—and when they unsnapped their helmets, Neil Armstrong...
but it really is Overwatch 1. Not even Overwatch 1.1, It's Overwatch, with a patch, and Overwatch had patches and will continue to have patches. That's really what the rage is all about, the stupid hype train Blizzard wanted everyone to jump on, and then delivered...truly no...