Our culture is ruled by sex, obsessed with sex, saturated in sex. It sometimes seems that everywhere we go and everywhere we look we are confronted with messaging about sexuality. So much of this messaging is false, misleading, and downright disturbing.
I read three books in 2023:The Covenant of Waterby Abraham Verghese,Babelby R F Kuang, andMadam Bovaryby Gustave Flaubert. Of these, my favorite was the last. Flaubert’s descriptions are scintillating; and he unveils the quirks of human nature with great perception. Underlying this perceptiven...
What does the Celtic trinity knot symbolize? What does The Creation of Adam symbolize? What is important about the Book of Exodus? What is the Book of Psalms about? What does the Book of Ruth teach us about God? What does the lotus flower represent in Daoism?
What does baptism mean in the Old Testament? What are the religious ceremonial laws of the Old Testament? What is the first covenant in the Old Testament? What does the Celtic cross symbolize? Does the New Testament talk about tattoos?
“Avatar: The Way of Water”(2023) – online – 6/22. “Spider-Man: Across the Spider verse”(2023) – theater – 6/28 “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny”(2023) – theater – 7/4 “Barbie”(2023) – theater – 7/30 ...
Water boarding is a form of interrogation where water is repeatedly poured over someone's face. Learn about the technique of water boarding.
There is also the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb through the middle of the city's main street. Additionally, the Bible mentions that Heaven is a place where there is no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain (Revelation 21...
The lateHerbert W. Armstrongwrote: Did you ever wonder about the vast difference between human mind and animal brain? This, incidentally, is another PROOF of the falsity of the theory of evolution! The physical brain of the higher vertebrates in the animal kingdom is essentially the same in ...
Watchtower likes to use the illustration that even a small amount of poison pollutes an entire glass of water. "Is it true that there is good in all religions? Most religions do teach that a person should not lie or steal, and so forth. But is that sufficient? Would you be happy to ...
John reminds us throughout his gospel he was one of Jesus’s favorites. We also know Luke hung out with Paul and wrote Acts. But what about Mark? According to the Blue Letter Bible, the earliest manuscripts include “KATA MARKON,” which means “According to Mark.” It is interesting, ...