Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine PractitionersMcClure S, VanSickle D, White R. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy: what is it? What does it do to equine bone? AAEP Proc. 2000; 46 :197–9.McClure S.: Extracorporeal shock-wave therapy: what is it? What does it do ...
The odd placement is necessitated by the semi-basement’s lower position in relation to the septic tank. Ki-Woo walks in and climbs onto the toilet seat. He continues to fish for a signal when -- BOOYAH! KI-WOO (CONT’D) KI-JUNG (O.S.) You got it? Ki-Jung barges in and...
Secondly, there was an article about, “Six Places You Should Never Tip”. Did you know that in MANY countries, leaving a tip for service is considered insulting?Enter your number to get our free mobile app One of our listeners called in to ask how tipping courtesy applies to legal ...
“correct”, even at the cost of beauty). “It would be great”, or so I thought, haha. I set off on what has become a ~26 year journey where I tried to build the evidence needed to do so, at each step trying to convince my fairly sceptical mind that it was “good enough” ...
My mind would dwell on all the possible outcomes so that I could prepare for what may come. We all know I would have circled the dark outcomes. This morning I woke up surrounded by love. In the arms of my love. In Michigan we have been in a bit of a heat wave this week and ...
“For the first time, I declare my position regarding what is happening in Syria: Bashar Al-Assad is a delinquent, a criminal and a child-killer… The regime of Assad is the most criminal and backward regime of the Arab world. Shame on anyone who continues to remain silent. Every moment...
Plantar fasciitis is a common kind of repetitive strain injury afflicting runners, walkers and hikers, and nearly anyone who stands for a living — cashiers, for instance — especially on hard surfaces. It causes mainly foot arch pain and/or heel pain. Morning foot pain is a signature ...
The answer was no. Of course I didn't know what it cost to run Christmas lights in 1971, I was eight years old. I didn't know how to balance a checkbook, either. Now that I'm a few decades older and wiser...I still have no clue....
The Christmas Truce, as it is known today, is for many an illustration of the power Christmas holds over humanity's collective imagination. The Yuletide is generally thought of as a time for family, togetherness, compassion, and generosity. However, the ways people celebrate and think of the ...
negative, angry and hostile. We see a renewed playing out of that typically Italian drama that happens at the release of every hostage. There is the idea that “we paid while she played”, which is a disgusting script adopted for almost all of the female hostages, because often, they ...