When I got my Doro Flip Phone a few years ago I set the alarm at the time needed daily and have not changed it. Now I have reason to change it and do not know how. It does not come up in the settings, it is not shown in the manual and the directions I found on line do not...
One of the most important aspects of the announcement last week that Cingular would buy AT&T Wireless went almost unnoticed-namely, that Cingular's parent companies, BellSouth and SBC, would virtually exhaust their cash reserves on the deal. Neither the finan...
open-source software has made it possible for almost anyone to spoof calls with little cost or technical knowledge. One of the most prevalent ways of spoofing is through VoIP.
Keeping that spying stuff present and enabled is the cost for using those Google apps and services that many people consider indispensable. Google’s worked it so that the cost of using AOSP without the Google Apps (“GApps”) is too high for many people. The center of the hub appears ...
Radiofrequency radiation (RFR), used for wireless communications and “smart” building technologies, including the “Internet of Things,” is increasing rapidly. As both RFR exposures and scientific evidence of harmful effects increase apace, it is timely to heed calls to include low RFR levels as...
Advantages of Pay as You Go Unlike standard plans, a pay as you go plan does not require a contract. In addition there are no credit card requirements and no monthly fees in addition to the cost of credit. Free weekends and evenings might be offered for short periods of time as promotion...
“The bottom line is we don’t have all the answers to that,” Kirby said Thursday afternoon. “And so we’re working very hard to see if we can get to the ground truth of exactly what happened.” How did AT&T respond? AT&T said it took “immediate action” to ...