The dominating form of energy in the cosmos dark energy is driving the accelerating expansion of the universe, but its nature remains a mystery.
The dominating form of energy in the cosmos dark energy is driving the accelerating expansion of the universe, but its nature remains a mystery.
Quantum reality has a reversible nature, so the entropy of the system is constant and therefore its description is an invariant. The space-time synchronization of events requires an intimate connection of space-time at the level of quantum reality, which is deduced from the theory of relativity ...
Space is the vast, seemingly infinite expanse beyond Earth, while the universe encompasses all of space, matter, and energy, including galaxies, stars, and planets.
McGaugh said that skepticism is part of the scientific process and understands the reluctance of many scientists to consider MOND as a possibility. “I came from the same place as those in dark matter community,” he said. “It hurts to think that we could be so wrong...
The first galaxies date to when the universe was a bit under an billion years old, with a redshift of a bit under ten, meaning that light coming from them is ten times as stretched out and the galaxies appear to be experiencing time at a tenth the usual rate. The oldest light we ...
What is the meaning of "critical density," and why is it critical? It seems that NASA's site, and most users in these forums, use critical density to mean the density of the universe that would cause the universe to "crunch." Are there two critical densities, one which is "critical"...
The organisation of the review is as follows. In Section 2, we describe broad features of the paradigm: a suitable class of runaway potentials, alternative reheating models and exit mechanisms. In Section 3, we discuss the cosmological dynamics of the scalar field relevant to quintessential ...
Recurring nuclear activity during the life of a galaxy is a requirement of the cosmological simulations in order to limit, by regulating accretion and the amount of gas present, the growth of super-massive black holes (SMBH) and the star formation in massive galaxies [1,2,3]. Different ...
smoothly and effortlessly through space, like a clear tone of a bell moving through the air. A “virtual particle”, generally, is a disturbance in a field that will never be found on its own, but instead is something that is caused by the presence of other particles, often of other...