The infections such as bronchitis, asthma, influenza, common cold, sinusitis, and otitis media are the different types of respiratory infections. The signs and symptoms of the diseases are sneezing, facial compression, running nose, headache, and sore throat....
According to national food allergy guidelines, epinephrine is the only recommended first-line treatment for anaphylaxis and not antihistamines, which do not relieve shortness of breath, wheezing, gastrointestinal symptoms or shock. Therefore, antihistamines should not be a substitute for epinephrine.Explore...
Because they do not treat the life-threatening symptoms of anaphylaxis, antihistamines are not recommended as first-line treatment for anaphylaxis. It's important to administer epinephrine at the first signs of anaphylaxis. According to national food allergy guidelines, epinephrine is the first-line ...
What is the only methyl xanthine used in the treatment of asthma? a) Omalizumab b) Diphenhydramine c) Ipratropium d) Theophylline Methylxanthine Methylxanthines are classes of drugs derived from xanthine, a purine base, and are naturally f...
Straps and pillows may be used to help maintain the correct position. Contrast Administration: If contrast dye is needed, it may be given before the scan. Imaging: The table moves through the scanner, and the patient may be asked to hold their breath for short periods to reduce motion ...
Hello. Not if this one is the correct site for a consultation, I have a 23-year-old son diagnosed of espondiloartropatía anquilosante. he took metotrexato for two months for his rapid advance of the disease, and he continues with adalimumab and with this one it he goes as three ye...
The treatment of rhinitis in the child with allergic sensitization starts with the removal of the allergen(s) the child is allergic to, to reduce ongoing inflammation as best as possible [3, 4]. Environmental control measures are most useful when installing several at a time, e.g., for a...
The “golden hour” is the term often used in trauma or emergency care to suggest that an injured or sick person must receive definitive treatment within the first 60 minutes from the time of injury or appearance of symptoms. It was believed that once th
Creatine Could Boost Your Reproductive Health Should I Stock Up On The Abortion Pill? Naomi Watts Details Infertility Struggles Cameron Diaz Used A Surrogate To Have First Baby Brooke Shields Opens Up About Labia Surgery This Is How Ozempic Interacts With Birth Control ...
Select the correct answer. Which of the following drugs would be useful in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain? A. Fluvoxamine B. Imipramine C. Phenelzine D. Alprazolam Which drug is useful in treating N/V and works by blockade of prostaglandins and suppressing peritumoral inflammation? a...