Though many small businesses keep all their data in spreadsheets, databases are another powerful data management tool that allows many users to share information at the same time. As with spreadsheets, data consolidation is also an issue with databases. A typical way to consolidate a database is ...
When you’ve got data from different data sources in multiple tables in the Excel Data Model, creating relationships between those tables makes it easy to analyze your data without having to consolidate it into one table. By using MDX queries, you can further leverage table relationships to crea...
The labels in the InventPosting, Resource, ResourceGroup, and ProductionGroup forms aren't always aligned with the LedgerPostingType labels that are actually used. It's not easy to understand the terminology that is used in the labels. The labels have been updated so that labels on ...
For example, if the scaling factor is 800%, whereas the average is 120–130%, you should check where this number is coming from. Maybe it’s some kind of an outlier that you need to delete from the graph so it doesn’t skew the overall picture: 800% downplays the difference between ...
Vlookup is a built-in function in Excel found under the Lookup & Reference tab. Vlookup performs a vertical search in the first column of a table and returns the value in the same row on the right. Vlookup is best used when you have a vertical alignment of data sets in a structured ...
Some clients are just starting out in the event business and they just care about brand awareness metrics like Impressions. Again, the key is clear and open communication with your clients. Tom Jauncey, CEO at Nautilus Marketing also shares this sentiment. He tells us: Clients don’t all ...
So we always try to be very specific about what is the client’s goal and then just show the metrics for that. Depending on the type of clients you serve and the industries they’re in, these metrics will vary. However, a rule of thumb is not to overwhelm the client with unnecessary...
A detailed analysis of your data sources is essential. Modern dashboards consolidate data from various platforms or sources, working in conjunction with your chosen KPIs to provide insights for growth and improvement. Auditing your data sources helps streamline your efforts, ensuring that your reportin...
New function to calculate age based on a birthdate – Simplifies this calculation compared to using dateTime functions. Support for new databases – Preliminary support announced in v2013r2 is now upgraded to full support implemented across the MissionKit product line. ...
Use the APIs for Microsoft Entra Internet Access and Microsoft Entra Private Access to enable organizations to consolidate controls and configure unified identity and network access policies. Microsoft Entra Internet Access manages access to Microsoft 365, SaaS, and public internet apps while protecting ...