That time given to Production with a good confidence is called Time-Buffer, and in manufacturing it includes the net-processing time, because in the vast majority of manufacturing environments, the ratio of net-processing time to the actual Production Time is less than 10%. Thus, the order re...
Museum Air and Space Paris Le Bourget (France) – Stellar aeronautical museum near Paris that covers the history of manned flight from wooden planes to space rockets and contains two Concordes, including the first ever to take flight. (Aéroport de Paris-Le Bourget, 93350 Le Bourget; +33 1 ...
There was a time when the possibilities of air travel seemed limitless. Boeing’s 747 “Jumbo Jet” supersized commerical aviation, then Concorde took it supersonic. But these milestones were half a century ago, way back in 1969. Concordes have since been confined to museums due to unsustai...