For some, Duchamp is the father of conceptualism, the so-called art of ideas, for other, he is a charlatan responsible for the demise of traditional Artistry.对于一些人来说, 杜尚是概念主义之父,即所谓的观念艺术; 而对于另一些人来说,他是一个导致传统艺术消亡的骗子。But maybe we should l...
She said, “My project is called ‘Techognition’ – a playful concept about disguising your face in public. The project looks at facial recognition software and everyday surveillance systems, and how we might be able to have a little bit of control over what they are doing.” Shoredit...
thriving but still very much misunderstood. The reader is presented with many examples of art and architecture appropriate to Post-Modernism as well as being introduced to the history which preceded it, facilitating a much clearer understanding of the overall concept and initiating a thirst for more...
As Bakhtin’s view, the concept of dialogue haspotential to expand and enrich the rhetorical tradition. Through the dialogicstory-telling, Chaucer presents a picturesque panorama of his contemporaryEngland and shows his realistic tendency, subtle irony and freedom of views.Chaucer believes in the ...
Modernism seeks universal truth and order through art and narrative, while Postmodernism questions these very concepts, embracing ambiguity and diverse perspectives.
What is Modernism Terminology…UnlikeRomanticism,Realism,orothermovementsthetitleModernismcreatessomelogicalproblems.Thewordmodernismalludestotheconceptofpresenttime.However,theMOVEMENTofModernismconcernsaneraofthoughtandculture.Alengthydefinition…Modernismisfartoogeneralatermtobreakdownintoasimpledefinition.UnlikeRomanticism...
What is behavioral isolation? What is groupthink? What is modernism? What is prosocial behavior? What is a general adaptation syndrome? What is morphological typology? What was the concept of normalcy based on? What is meant by "biological traits", and "sexual identity traits". ...
several offshoots, each with its own characteristics, including postmodernism, neomodernism, and deconstructivism, among others.and neomodern architecture returned to the use of ornaments on the facade of building. Deconstructivism developed from postmodernism and is characterized by ideas of fragmentation....
Basically, Modernism in architecture can be tied to thesethree concepts: 1.) The concept of Modernity in general. Seehere. 2.) Cool new technology! 3.) Aesthetic opinions of some dudes about some other dudes. Modernity What is commonly referred to as Modernity in the fields of philosophy an...
What is postmodernism? Sink of ice Lets eliminate several impossible definitions of postmodernism from the very beginning first Post modernism is not a style concept The idea that postmodernism is a style The reason is untenable It is because No matter what style or terminology is used to define...