Argument,Bash,CLI,Command,Console,CUI,Elevated command prompt,Environment variable,MS-DOS,Operating system terms,Path,Prompt,Script,Shell,Terminal,Virtual real mode
This is equivalent to doing a full recompile of the project. For instance, if you revert the message in the text_file.c to “Hosted at Redswitches” and want to recompile all files, you would use: # make -B The make -B command updates every file, compiling all of them in the ...
The tar command in Linux is a commonly used lightweight command line tool for creating file archives and compressing them.
Themkdir commandcreates a new directory with the name provided in the command line, while thecdcommand enters the same directory immediately after creation. A more complex example is toextract any compressed filetype: extr() { if [ -f $1 ] ; then ...
What is sudo (su 'do')? Sudo is acommand-lineutility forUnixand Unix-based operating systems such asLinuxandmacOS. The utility provides an efficient way to temporarily grant users or user groups privileged access to system resources so that they can run commands that they cannot run under th...
Grep is a command line utility in Unix and Linux systems. It is used for finding a search patterns in the content of a given file. With its unusual name, you may have guessed that grep is an acronym. This is at least partially true, but it depends on who you ask. ...
The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with AWS services using commands in your command-line shell. With minimal configuration, the AWS CLI enables you to start running commands that implement functionality equivalent to that provided by the...
The software that handles the command-line interface is commonly referred to as a command language interpreter, a command processor or command interpreter. Two well-known CLI shells arePowerShellfor Windows and Bash forLinuxandmacOS. Shells are the outermost layer of the OS and are often separated...
Some tasks are simply faster in the command line. One use case many long-time Linux users share is managing software. If you know the exact name of an app you want, it’s faster to type the installation command into a terminal than to open a Linux app store. That’s not to say tha...
The curl command in Linux is a great way to automate the process of uploading and downloading data from a server. Curl supports all significant protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP, FTP, and more. Features like pausing and resuming transfers, limiting bandwidth, proxy support, and user authenti...