What are some of the things you like to do in GTAO that, you assume, nobody else does? I also have an odd penchant for using my Panto as a bowling ball, where NPCs are the pins. Quite fun, really! Cheers! Cackling Jack, Mrs. Buzz, stagolee and19 others ...
The only uncompleted thing in my list of Progress (pause > stats > progress(?)) is fill and fly a Titan, like most people with serious playtime I'd imagine. I keep meaning to find a bunch of people into doing it. Maybe let's get some players and do this? Im down to this now,...
<BR><BR>Vice city is a better game, but it can be harder and can also get annoying when you're trying to fly some little plane and such. <BR>I kinda liked the GTA3 city better. <BR>The Music in Vice City rocks.<BR><BR>You should just get both. You'll see, most stuff is...
Considering its life cycle, buildings are responsible for 36% of greenhouse gas emissions and 40% of energy consumption in the EU [1]. To correctly design and run low-energy buildings, it is vital to comprehend the factors that influence human thermal responses. It is acknowledged that thermal...