Collective nouns are words that refer to groups, such as a 'school' of fish. Some collective nouns are very colorful, such as a 'murder' of crows or a 'parliament' of owls. Do you know what collective noun is used for a group of sheep? Continue reading to find out....
The collective noun for a group of ferrets. Business Something very good; top quality. (possibly from "the bee's knees") These new phones are the business! Business The act of defecation, or the excrement itself, particularly that of a non-human animal. Your ferret left his business all ...
A collective noun is a noun—such as team, committee, jury, squad, orchestra, crowd, audience, and family—that refers to a group of individuals. It is also known as a group noun. InAmerican English, collective nouns usually take singular verb forms. Collective nouns can be replaced by bo...
Metabolism is the collective noun for the thousands of chemical reactions that occur in our body every single day of our lives, primarily those that relate to energy conversion, which is essential to survival and bodily functions. This set of processes serves three main purposes within the body ...
collectivesolid-statenuclear magneticA few weeks ago saw the University of Warwick in the UK Midlands host a very successful two-day conference for the AkzoNobel analytical science community with attendees from the UK and Europe. It is not my intention to advertise any particular location for ...
Ahiveof bees. 3. Common noun A noun that refers to a general category of people, places, or things is called a common noun.Common nouns do not represent a particular category or specific instance. Some common noun examples are: I am going to thehospital. (place) ...
One thing that makes collective nouns for animals so much fun is there is so much diversity involved and the noun phrases often paint a vivid picture in our minds when we hear them. Each of the following examples of collective nouns can be paired with more than one type of animal, such ...
A collective noun is a noun that names a group of people or things. Examples of collective nouns are government and team. You have to think about subject-verb agreement when you use collective nouns. Collective nouns are singular, so they must be paired with singular verbs. There is an exc...
Although rare, it is possible for a noun to be both a collective noun and a compound noun. For example, the wordhomeroomis a compound noun formed from the wordshomeandroom.At the same time,homeroomcan be used as a collective noun to refer to a group of students. ...
Dr. Armstrongis an excellent surgeon. Singular nounsrefer to a single thing:person,bicycle,cat,queen,Ohio,King Tut. The recklessdriversmashed into mymailbox. Plural nounsrefer to more than one of something:bees,afternoons,countries,women,geese. ...