Teacher:Whatisthechemicalformula(化学式)forwater Student:HIJKLMNO! Teacher:Whatareyoutalkingabout Student:Yesterdayyousaidit’sHtoO! Thefunnypartistheplayon“to”,whichsoundsthesame;anumbertwo orgoingfromonepointtoanother.Itimpliesthatthestudentdoesn’t knowwhataformulais. Whichofthethreestoriesdoyoulike...
What is the chemical formula for chlorite? What is the name of the base that has the formula Ba(OH)2? What is the more common name for sodium hydroxide? What is the chemical formula of lime water? What are the properties of sodium hydroxide? What is the formula for hydronium? What is...
what form is it what form of transpor what friend we have i what girl what gong match what what good bre you what good does the ni what google never tol what government agenc what happened to sund what happened to your what happens in a com what happens in what have we found what...
what do you recomend what do you think of what do you want a dr what do you wat what does it take what else i need to w what elsewhat other t what form is it what form of transpor what friend we have i what girl what gong match what what good bre you what good does the ni...
Air contains water in a gaseous form called Dry ice is a solid form of which gas? What is the scientific name for natural gas? What is the process to turn a solid into gas? What is the chemical name for water? Describe the transition from gas to liquid. ...
The chemicalformula for waterusually is written as H2O, but another way to consider the formula is HOH, where a positively charged hydrogen ion (H+) is bonded to a negatively charged hydroxide ion (OH-). This means water has properties of both an acid and a base, where the properties es...
have yet to learn much about them.Life in the oceans ranges from the tinest plankton allthe way up to giants like sharks and whales.What makes the ocean such a great place to live?The answer is water.CHEWICAL STRUCTREThe chemical structure of water makes it an excelle...
Chemistry is a science that tries to understand the properties of substances and the changes that substances undergo. It is concerned with the substances that occur in nature-the minerals of the earth,the gases of the air,the water and salts of the seas,the chemicals of the living creatures,...
Related:How are elements grouped in the periodic table? Chemical elements can bond together to form chemical compounds, which are substances made up of multiple elements, like carbon dioxide (which is made of one carbon atom connected to two oxygen atoms), or multiple atoms of a single element...
clayandcementtoformbricks.Thematerialhelpskeepthebuildingcoolinahotenvironment.A wide,raisedmetalroofprotectsthebuildingfromrainandhelpsairflow.Kéréinvolvedthelocal communitythroughoutthedesignandbuildingoftheschool.Thenumberofstudentsattheschool increasedfrom120to700. KéréisthefirstAfricantobehonoredwiththePritzke...