What is the lipid profile test used for? What diseases can it help diagnose?Lipids:Excess amounts of lipids in the body accumulate in the coronary arteries that result in artery blockage. Blocked arteries halt the blood flow in the heart. Coronary angioplasty is a surgical m...
Answer to: What reagent is used in the catalase test? By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You...
The basal body is a set of rings embedded in the cell wall and plasma membrane. It consists of 2 pairs of rings in Gram-Negative bacteria and 1 pair of rings in Gram-Positive bacteria. It synthesizes polymers of the flagellum, produces energy for revolution, and regulates movements of the...
Enzyme biocatalysisrefers to the process in which natural or living enzymes are used to create or accelerate a chemical reaction. One of the first examples of modern enzyme biocatalysis was performed by Louis Pasteur in 1858. Pasteur used various microorganisms (such as the moldPenicillium glaucum)...
What does the catalase enzyme do? What is the function of pancreatic lipase? Explain how enzymes are able to make reactions go faster by discussing activation energy and how enzymes interact with substrates. Why are enzymes important to the human body? What is the function of proteins? How can...
International Streptomyces Project(ISP) media (ISP media from ISP 1 to ISP 9) are commonly used media for the growth and study of colony characters. Standard biochemical tests performed areGram-staining,catalase test,salt tolerance test,oxidase test,nitrate reduction test,starch hydrolysis test,casein...
The quantum mechanical approach is currently used to explain atomic structure. The study of fundamental constituents such as atoms, molecules, substances, metals, crystals, and other aggregates of the matter is where traditional chemistry begins. Let’s now see about someand some...
What is a protein kinase? A) An enzyme that adds a phosphate group onto another protein. B) An enzyme that converts ATP to ADP. C) A receptor that is allosterically regulated. D) Another term for cyclin. What is hydrogen peroxide broken down into in the presence of catalase enzyme?
What is a good negative control to use when testing enzymes in a food lab experiment? Describe the catalase test and state the result for a positive reaction and a balanced chemical equation to explain for the observed phenomenon . Sudan ...
Liver fat storage, also called hepatic steatosis, is increasingly common and represents a very frequent diagnosis in the medical field. Excess fat is not without consequences. In fact, hepatic steatosis contributes to the progression toward liver fibrosi