Cardinal Sin of the Man Telling Women What to Do
The problem with most homophones is that if we’re typing too quickly or not paying close attention to what we’re writing, we could accidentally end up with a properly spelled word, except it’s the wrong word. It doesn’t work in the context of the sentence. As an example, let’s ...
While gluttony may seem to be a more trivial transgression than the others grouped in the “Seven Deadly Sins,” there is a reason this sin makes the list. With the alarming rate of modern obesity we see today, perhaps many have forgotten or forsaken the warnings against gluttony and its d...
“Suspected of Modernism” as a professor… Said Catholics and schismatic “Orthodox” are in the same Church. Disagreed with Outside the Church There is No Salvation. Friend of Freemasons, internationalists, and schismatics… Demonstrated low moral character… Chose to receive his “cardinal’s”...
of time in life is the “if-then trap”. If I get this I will feel that or when I achieve x,y,z I will be happy or excited. Unfortunately or not it doesn’t work this way. The reality when it comes to happiness is that we must be able to feel it at this moment, right ...
KEITH O'Brien is today hiding in a safe house undoubtedly considering how his life has gone so wrong.The Mirror (London, England)
Before work on a unifying conception of negative effects can begin, the notion of “meditation hindrances” needs to be clarified. Research on meditation hindrances is very scarce. Traditional Buddhist texts and more recent meditation manuals treat different kinds of meditation hindrances, defining them...