What is the Buddhist calendar?Question:What is the Buddhist calendar?Buddhism:Buddhism is a religion that originated in India and is practiced worldwide. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, who called himself "the Buddha." This man was so influential in the world that he is commonly referred...
This is the Buddhist theory of relativity. 这就是佛教的相对论。 Before we go into the question of Anatta proper, 在正式讨论无我的问题之前, it is useful to have a brief idea of the Conditioned Genesis. 对于缘起论应有一个简明的概念。 The principle of this doctrine is given in a short fo...
What is Buddhism? 佛教,广义地说,它是一种宗教,包括它的经典、仪式、习惯、教团的组织等等;狭义地说,它就是佛所说的言教,如果用佛教固有的术语来说,应当叫做佛法(BuddhaDhamma)。 Buddhism, in a general sense, is a religion with its canonical literature, rites, customs, Sangha Order (congregational o...
The Buddha's teaching is meant not only for monks in monasteries, but also for ordinary men and women living at home with their families. 佛的教诫,不仅是为了寺院中的僧众而设, 也是为了住在家庭中的普通男女。 The Noble Eightfold Path, which is the Buddhist way of life, is meant for all,...
One of the Buddhist teachings is that wealth does not guarantee happiness and also wealth is impermanent. The people of every country suffer whether rich or poor, but those who understand Buddhist teachings can find true happiness. 佛教的一个教义是:财富并不能保证真正的幸福并且财富也是无常的。
Buddhism is one of the largest religions in the world, but many people, including Buddhist practitioners, do not understand the psychological impact Buddhist practices have on their ego structures, internal object relations, and external object relationships. Buddhism in the Insight Meditation tradition ...
Question [15]:What is the Buddha about again? Answer:The Buddha is the very embodiment of all the great virtues that he taught. Not merely talking the talk, he also put his noble words into action to inspire us. He was tireless in the spread of truth and goodness, and is the...
(After Tone Sandhi)Same Zhuyin (Bopomofo)ㄈㄛˊ ㄊㄨㄛˊ Cantonese(Jyutping)fat6to4 Word Decomposition 佛fóBuddha;Buddhism; abbr. for佛陀 陀tuó(phonetic);declivity;steepbank Similar-sounding Words 🗞️Words in the News US Elections
• Is Buddhism a Religion? 佛教是一种宗教吗 To many, Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or 'way of life'. It is a philosophy because philosophy 'means love of wisdom' and the Buddhist path can be summed up as:(1) to lead a moral life,(2) to be mindful ...
But the essence of those many thousand discourse scattered in the Buddhist Scriptures is found in the Noble Eightfold Path. 但是藏经里面成千卷佛所说经的要义, 不外乎讲的是八正道。 It should not be thought that the eight categories or divisions of the Path 读者诸君不可认为上面所列的八条途径...