What is the biggest star in Orion constellation? Which constellation has the most stars? What constellation is Betelgeuse in? What constellation does the star Sirius belong to? Who named the constellation Taurus? What is the brightest star in the constellation Orion?
What does the Taurus constellation look like? What constellation looks like a triangle? Which is the brightest star in the Aries constellation? What is the Big Dipper constellation? The North Star is in what constellation? What is the Draco constellation?
On World Radio Day, it is worth remembering that the signals of our radio stations and TV channels travel wide into the universe.
This planet will likely be the brightest "star" in the sky every evening this month, however it sets fairly quickly each night as well. Saturn will be up at this same time, visible in the south after sunset each night. The ringed planet is a bit...
This planet will likely be the brightest "star" in the sky every evening this month, however it sets fairly quickly each night as well. Saturn will be up at this same time, visible in the south after sunset each night. The ringed planet is a bit dimmer these days, as ...
The evenings surrounding first quarter are the best ones for viewing the lunar terrain when it is dramatically lit by low-angled sunlight. After dusk on Thursday evening, the bright star Elnath, which marks the northern horn tip of Taurus, the Bull, will shine just to the moon's upper ...
Shining brightly at magnitude -2.3, Jupiter still dominates the post-sunset sky in the east. This week passes close to Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation Taurus, the bull. This magnitude 0.8 star, an orange supergiant star, is known as the 'eye of the bull,' but its name...
February/early March it will sink lower toward the sun after sunset but be even brighter than it is now, with its thin crescent shape easy to see with binoculars. After that Venus will be too close to the sun to see until it will pop out once again as a “morning star” in late ...
Also known as Rigel Kent or Toliman, Alpha Centauri is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus and the third brightest star in the night sky. It is also the closest star system to Earth, at just a shade over four light-years. But much like Sirius and Polaris, it ...
The brightest star in the constellation is Rigel (Beta Orionis), which is located on the lower-left side of the Hunter (when observed from the northern hemisphere). When seen from an unaided eye, Rigel appears to be a single star, but in fact, it’s a system of four stars. The firs...