Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a measurement of how natural colors render under an artificial white light source when compared with sunlight. The index is measured from 0-100, with a perfect 100 indicating that colors of objects under the light source appear the same as they would under ...
Keep an eye out for Earthshine on the moon. Sometimes called the Ashen Glow or the Old Moon in the New Moon's Arms, the phenomenon is visible within a day or two of the new moon, when sunlight reflected off Earth and back toward the moon slightly brightens the unlit portion of the mo...
Pale refers to lightness with a hint of color, indicating a subdued or diminished intensity, while white is the brightest, colorless shade, representing purity or full light reflection without hue. Difference Between Pale and White Table of Contents ...
In this scenario, the window is behind you (you have your back to the window), so soft light is falling onto your subject. The lighting is likely even and flat with no shadows (provided, of course, that there is no direct sunlight coming through the window). Here, the light was beh...
OLED doesn't have the extreme light output of the best current-generation LCD TVs, though. They're still very bright, and have better blacks for a better contrast ratio, but in a well lit room, or in direct sunlight, you'll be able to see an LCD better. Because of that better contr...
How bright is a 100W LED floodlight? A 100W LED floodlight will typically produce between 8,000 and 10,000 lumens of light, depending on the brand and model. This is equivalent to a 500W halogen floodlight, making it one of the brightest floodlights on the market. How bright is a 200w...
Venus is the brightest planet as seen from Earth and the third brightest natural object in the night sky after the Sun and the Moon. Venus just passed between the Earth and the Sun last month on January 11th at inferior conjunction. Passing over five degrees north of the Sun, this was a...
The increased light produced by an HDR display makes its brightest pixels far brighter than before, further differentiating them from the darkest ones, leading to a subtle pixel-to-pixel changes and better image reproduction. Luminance is measured in candelas/m2 or “nits” – Several different ...
OLED doesn't have the extreme light output of the best current-generation LCD TVs, though. They're still very bright, and have better blacks for a better contrast ratio, but in a well lit room, or in direct sunlight, you'll be able to see an LCD better. Because of that better contr...
3. Capture the Sunset at Wat Arun Wat Arun is the most beautiful temple in Bangkok, and it is known for its glorious towers, which are decorated with colorful porcelain pieces. The temple's beauty shines brightest under the sunlight, and the soft light of sunset promises its best views. ...