One of the much-vaunted opportunities of Brexit was a trade deal with the US, but that has not yet materialised - and nor is it likely to be a priority for a second Trump term - despite the assertion of one of his former staff. Firstly, Mr Trump has previously said that...
Since the Brexit deal fully came into force at the start of 2021, there has been an ongoing process to iron out the various issues it has thrown up relating to Northern Ireland. That has escalated over time to the point where a new agreement is now being work...
Futures let you speculate on the price movements – for example, it’s likely that people had futures contracts ahead of the Brexit vote on the price of the pound. Although, in this particular case, the unexpected result probably led to a lot of people losing money in this way. Companies...
However, I had also lived in the US for several years, had expenses in dollars and expected to stay for a while. Thus, when the Brexit vote loomed, I vaguely wondered if should diversify — but failed to do so since I assumed that it was impossible for the British public to vote for...
One of the much-vaunted opportunities of Brexit was a trade deal with the US, but that has not yet materialised - and nor is it likely to be a priority for a second Trump term - despite the assertion of one of his former staff. ...
One of the much-vaunted opportunities of Brexit was a trade deal with the US, but that has not yet materialised - and nor is it likely to be a priority for a second Trump term - despite the assertion of one of his former staff. ...
The Rise of Populism and Protectionism The election of President Trump represents the cusp of the current wave of protectionism and populism that emerged in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. As the Brexit vote and the emergence of populist leaders such as Vladimir Putin in Ru...
Futures let you speculate on the price movements – for example, it’s likely that people had futures contracts ahead of the Brexit vote on the price of the pound. Although, in this particular case, the unexpected result probably led to a lot of people losing money in this way. Companies...
The Brexit Bomb After rejecting earlier calls for a popular referendum on the U.K.'s EU membership, Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron promised a vote in 2013 and scheduled it in 2016. It was a time of growing popularity for the U.K. Independence Party, which opposed EU membership....
While rational choice theory is logical and easy to understand, it is often contradicted in the real world. For example, political factions that were in favor of the Brexit vote, held on June 23, 2016, used promotional campaigns that were based on emotion rather than rational analysis.5These ...