呕吐来院急诊。体检:体温36.1℃,血压85/55mmHg,脉搏116次/分钟。病人呈急性面容,表情痛苦、卷曲位、不愿移动。腹式呼吸减弱,全腹有明显的压痛和反跳痛,以上腹部最为明显,腹肌紧张呈“木板样”强直,肝浊音界缩小,肠鸣音消失。既往有胃溃疡病史。该病人应采取何种体位 ...
Drawing on ethnographic data gathered in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum, this article makes the case for an embedded mode of social research that is attentive to the emergence, growth, and evolution of social and political movements, and that is, moreover, able to trace these dynamics ...
The term ‘Brexit’ stands for ‘British exit’, which is the decision of the UK to leave the European Union, taken through a referendum on June 23rd 2016. Since then, Europe and the UK have worked on an agreement that will determine what the relationship between the two will be after ...
解析 答案:Britain exiting (British exit) from the EU.Brexit is an abbreviation for "British exit," referring to the U.K.'s decision in a June 23, 2016 referendum to leave the European Union (EU).Brexit took place Jan. 31,2020....
Nowadays the media is abuzz about referendum in UK in connection with Brexit. What is a referendum? Has any referendum been carried out in India so are? Is voting takes place in referendum also like in the case of elections? What is the difference between a referendum a...
Brexit and the British in France Nearly four years after the Referendum, it confirms that Brexit is far from over for these British citizens.Key findings- Britons living in France still feel in the dark about what Brexit means for their livesFrance hosts the second ... M Benson 被引量: 0...
What is the EU worried about? In 2017, after a UK referendum mandated Brexit, the EU warned that an "ambitious and wide-ranging trade agreement" would be dependent on "sufficient guarantees for a level playing field." This is notably different from the EU's trade ...
The Unified Patents Court is to be a new patents court for European patents and for new "unitary " European patents, established by agreement among 25 EU Member States including the UK. The Cameron Government was at the fore in pressing for the unitary patent and the new court. It was agr...
Brexit and the EEA The UK is a former member of the EEA. In a 2016 referendum, Britons voted to exit the EU, and, since EEA membership is contingent upon membership in either the EU or the EFTA (of which Britain is not a member), this also means that exiting the EEA unless some ...
Brexit : What Happened ? What is Going to Happen ? The Brexit referendum demonstrated the fundamental reticence of the British to embrace the ethos underpinning the European construction, the powerlessness of politicians to explain it clearly to the public, the particular difficulties of... J Ho...