Today, the creature known as Sasquatch is more commonly called “Bigfoot”. The latter name came about in 1958, when a man named Gerald Crew found large, unidentifiable footprints near his bulldozer in Bluff Creek, California. He made a cast of the prints and was featured in the local pape...
I have a friend who used to be my Landlord who often says thing to me that I never said when I rented from him. He even does it Public. Many people around where I live, have asked me if my Friend is Crazy or even thought that he escape from the Local Psy
Plus, just got the classic gray Switch Lite yesterday. I play the heck out of my OG Switch, so now I can rest it when not in TV mode. OMG the Lite is literally as light as a feather. I never realized how heavy the original Switch is until now. The Lite is a fantastic compliment...