Someone the other week even commented that I was “you know, the twin flame authority on the internet,” for which I immediately cringed because that’s certainlynotwhat I want to be known for (butMindful Shadow Workor theSpiritual Awakening Process? Yes please). Spiritual Wanderer Course: Fi...
The best part of finding your twin flame is that you can be yourself. You have to be. Your twin flame is your mirror image, so you can’t hide your true self from them. In fact, they will instantly recognize the areas of your life that are not authentic to you. The good news is...
Reflect on whether you’re interested in what is true or whether you’re interested in continuing to live under the spell of the mind that has used spirituality to reinforce the very thing authentic spirituality is out to dismantle: the ego. Either way is fine – that’s just how life is...
Libra, then, is the meeting point of these two chapters. It is where the self meets the other. It represents the lifelong journey of exploring and seeking balance between the self and the other and the self among others. It is the archetype of collaboration and partnership, where we come ...
As connection deepens between the patient and the therapist, the conversation becomes more spontaneous and authentic, and the patient acquires the freedom to explore what is really troubling him or her in a more open, curious way. With the sup port of the relationship, the patient is ...
Here is a collection of wisdom from Yogi Bhajan. There is nothing outside of us... Your soul... Infinity in our projection... Talk from your heart... When you want to be successful and very convincing... You have fashions and faculties in your mind... sa
Black colour is a representation of protection, standing strong and setting boundaries that will be strong while remaining aware, warning, spiritual wisdom, negative energy being repelled, magic, a sign that you are going through spiritual growth and initiation, death as in terms of end of someth...
spirituality Only the Lights Remained the Same Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what’s to come. There are not many things I love more than having a free evening and some time to write down my stories. There are so many random things that go thro...
“Red, in many West African cultures, is a symbol of strength, spirituality, life and death.” Moreover, two West African plants, hibiscus and kola nuts, were powdered and used to make red herbal teas by Caribbean and plantation communities. {See
In the Bible, red is the color of Christ’s blood. It represents sacrifice, martyrdom, and the flame of God’s love. Red is also associated with Judgment day and the apocalypse. The spiritual meaning of this color is associated with the first Root chakra, Muladhara. This energy center re...