BBible BBeta(2nd brightest star in a constellation) BBefore BBold Text(HTML) BBritain BBoth BBat BBureau BBishop BBravo BBiological BBachelor BBarn BBrick BIndividual(IRB) BBinary BBandwidth BBombardier BBore(French: Boron) BBulb
The article discusses on what the Bible says about bishops. It notes that the Greek word for bishop is episkopos which means overseer. In Isaiah 60:17, it is written that God will appoint Peace as Israel's ruler and Righteousness as their overseer. Titus 1:7-9 states that a bishop, ...
Scripture is particularly important for Christians. When church leaders refer to “the Bible” or “the Scriptures”, they usually mean “the Bible as we understand it through our theological doctrines”. The Bible is always interpreted by our churches through their particular theological lenses. Pop...
The article discusses on what the Bible says about bishops. It notes that the Greek word for bishop is episkopos which means overseer. In Isaiah 60:17, it is written that God will appoint Peace as Israel's ruler and Righteousness as their overseer. Titus 1:7-9 states that a bishop, as...
This part of the Torah is the section where the Israelites become desperate on their journey through the wilderness. They are demoralised, hungry and even willing to return to Egypt to slavery. They do what communities do when they cannot seem to find a way through: they begin t...
In response to that contemporary problem, God legislates a month’s window to make the appropriate offerings. However, there is good news for those who still miss Pesach, even with a leeway of a month – the rabbis interpreted the punishment as a spiritual, rather a physical one. This i...
She engaged inadulterybecause her spouse has a low libido, while hers is very high. (Bible) Lewdness or unchastity of thought as well as act, as forbidden by the seventh commandment. (Bible) Faithlessness in religion. And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she ...
On the inside of your soul is your spirit. The Bible refers to our human spirit as being our“innermost being.”I believe another word for our human spirit is “heart.” When people refer to having had a broken heart in a romantic relationship that has been dissolved, a broken heart is...
Either ceremony is one of commitment; however, christening is seen more as a human tradition than baptism is, since both are Christ centered but only baptism is noted by the Christ of the Bible. 5Considerations ... Generally only the Evangelical and Christian churches, such as Pentecostal, Ba...
What is the office of a Bishop? 没有系列1 Timothy 3 扬声器 Jimmy Fortunato 广播员 Pilgrim Baptist Church Cookeville, Tennessee 已录入 类别 没有系列 圣经文本 讲道ID 2023年9月14日 Midweek Service 1 Timothy 3 1 Timothy 3:1-7 92123183342498...