AR-15 vs M4 rifle comparisons are a regular topic of conversation when seasoned firearms enthusiasts get together. But those who are new to the rifle world may well wonder what all the fuss is about. After all, on the face of it, both weapons appear to be exactly the same. While it i...
The G22 is the .40-caliber version of the G17.G22 MOS: Features a cut slide for red dot sights.Glock 23:Compact, double-stack .40 pistol featuring a 13-round magazine and compatible with G22 magazines.G23 MOS: Features a cut slide for red dot sights....
but generally the rate is 50 rounds, and if you’re reloading rifle rounds, it’s going to be even less still. And every time calibers are changed, the dies must be changed out and
See 3,000+ New Gun Deals HERE 11. What is the difference between a rifle and an assault rifle? A rifle is a shoulder-fired firearm with a rifled barrel designed for accurate long-range shooting. Anassault rifleis a select-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge (smaller than a tra...
Although untrained, he proceeded to man a .50 caliber antiaircraft machine gun until ordered to abandon ship. He died in action almost two years after Pearl Harbor. Americans turn to President Franklin D. Roosevelt after attack: Crowds began to form in front of the White House as soon as ...
I remember signing a few forms and being bussed with four or five other Wisconsinites to the train station for a short ride down to the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Great Lakes is located next to Lake Michigan, between North Chicago and Waukegan. It would be the site of my boot cam...
Instead of the usual free-for-all action that Gun Game is famous for, Team Gun Game matches take place with base Team Deathmatch rules in effect, albeit with a few important differences: Every player starts with the same specific weapon, and you’re here to work w...
The CZ P07 is affordable, larger enough for duty use, and small enough for most people to conceal as a carry gun and is quite popular in the DA/SA market. For a long time, I’ve said the CZ P07 is the DA/SA Glock 19.
When comparing the Glock 19 vs Glock 26, one of the biggest considerations is grip and recoil. The Glock 26 only has a two finger grip, so the recoil is much more noticeable after each shot. It is absolutely imperative that you spend time practicing at the range with this firearm if you...
order to control the media. Their misleading news and propaganda have facilitated the implementation of the biggest terror and horror in the world in form of the Holocaust. We can say that their inttelligence and education didn’t serve the humanity but were against it and they will not be ...