Theological interpretation is an approach to reading generated by a theological understanding of the biblical text, of the community that reads it theologically, and of the practice of reading. This essay argues this point on the basis of the work of one representative theological interpreter, ...
This study is organized in five sections. First, we will look at the Biblical obligation to preserve life. Secondly, we will look at the Biblical view of bloodshed. Thirdly, we will look at passages dealing with the application of lethal force in self-defense. Fourth, we will look at wha...
Removing the Veils: Censorship, Female Sexuality, and Oscar Wilde\\\"s Salome you please---on a 'charger'-she does kiss his mouth, in a paroxysm of sexual despair. The piece is written in French- half Biblical, half pornographic- by Oscar Wilde himself. Imagine the average British public...
What Are Biblical Values? What the Bible Says on Key Ethical Issues. By John J. Collins This is a book that needed to be written, one that gives a balanced and judicious airing to two questions: what are the values upheld by the Bible and how can we relate to them? It engages in ...
That's Biblical enough for me. Joshua's name in Hebrew means "The Lord is my Banner". I know because that's the name I was given. But as for leadership, Joshua was just a soldier, he followed the Lord's commands and did his duty till he was no longer able. Joshua and the ...
What is the biblical meaning of dreaming of a friendship? The bible tells us to naturally "love the Lord thy God with all your heart" and to love your neighbor as you would love yourself" the biblical meaning of dreaming of a friend and that you need to think about how you can improve...
What Does the Bible Say About the End Times? The Left Behind series calls its readers to pay attention to the Bible. But does the Bible really say what the Left Behind authors suggest? Is the series trustworthy in its interpretation of the Bible? To answer these questions, this cha... ...
The Bible is always interpreted by our churches through their particular theological lenses. Pope Francis has said homosexuality is not a ‘crime’. (Alessandra Benedetti – Corbis/Corbis via Getty) As a biblical scholar, I would suggest that church leaders who use their cultures and theology ...
and neglect to draw out the deeper meaning based upon the Jewish Hermeneutic PaRaDeS. the proper Hermeneutics for biblical interpretation is the telltale sign of the anti-missionary for causing deception and ultimately to make a plea to...
I am both atheist and agnostic, depending upon the definition. Regarding the Biblical 'God' or similar, I have become atheist. Catherine Giordano (author)from Orlando Florida on September 12, 2015: thegecko: I am honored that you want to link to my hub. ...