The Bible's closest to offering an exact definition isHebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” From this particular passage, we see that the central feature of faith—is confidence or trust. In the Bible, the object of fa...
— For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. (Romans 1:16, NIV) — For it isby grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the ...
If you’re looking to memorize an entire chapter of the Bible, here’s a great one to start with… Psalm 117 It has only two verses and in the ESV, it has 28 words. What does the shortest verse in the Bible, John 11:35, mean? It’s hard to imagine, God, who is in Heav...
The New Testament uses the words hagiazo, to “make holy” and hagio “holy” or “sacred.” Jesus is called “the Holy One of God.” And those who acclaim Jesus as Lord are called hagioi, or “saints.” As believers, we are literally set apart, made holy, because of our relations...
For contextual purposes, Bible readers must consider what is written in the prior verse, “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears?” Malachi 3:2. Every waking day of a Christ-follower’s life is a day for Christ to spiritually refine us. Spiritual...
Repentance is a foundational doctrine. It is very difficult to understand much about the rest of the Bible if you don’t have an understanding of repentance. It is very difficult to digest meat when you can’t digest milk. So we are going to provide you with a crash course on repentance...
When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said to one another, “If Joseph is holding a grudge against us, he will certainly repay us for all the suffering we caused him.”Holman Christian Standard BibleWhen Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said ...
Do What Is Good - Remind the believers to submit to the government and its officers. They should be obedient, always ready to do what is good. They
Additionally, the Bible encourages believers to practice virtues such as love, kindness, and truthfulness in their speech and interactions with others. Gossip, which undermines these principles, is seen as contrary to the teachings of Scripture and is a behavior that Christians are urged to avoid ...
As one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, discernment is a crucial part of following the teachings of the Bible and leading a successful life in this fallen world. Discover the Biblical meaning and importance of the "Gift of Discerning Spirits." ...