or not. I would be thrilled though if getting rid of toenail fungus could really be done in just a couple of treatments. While the laser therapy is expensive I would certainly pay the money if I knew it worked. It's much better than spending months trying to kill the toe fungus ...
Fluconazole (Diflucan). The FDA hasn’t approved this antifungal medication to treat toenail fungus, but some studies show it might be effective and your doctor may prescribe it. It doesn’t cause as many side effects as other pills and is more affordable. But more research is needed. Topica...
Acne is caused by blocked hair follicles and oil (sebaceous) glands of the skin, often triggered by hormonal changes. The term acne refers to not only pimples on the face, but blackheads, cysts, and nodules as well. Some people get acne on other parts of their body too, such as the b...
Toe fungus can be pretty disgusting left unchecked. But how did you get it, and what is it really? The answer is probably not one you’d expect. That dry and discolored nail is infected with Athlete’s Foot, and Athlete’s Foot is basically. . .Ringworm. That’s right, your toe now...
Sounds awful doesn’t it: fungus. Yuck! This is an infection along the lines ofathlete’s footin that it can happen to anyone, no matter how particular they are about personal cleanliness and grooming. It’s caused by organisms that find their way underneath a nail. You can pick it up...
Fungi will be mostly found where ever there is an absence of fresh and free flowing air. Anywhere there is a moist environment, with warm temperatures and an absence of air flow you will likely find fungus growing. It’s for this reason that the most common areas of the body for skin ...
What is the best at home laser treatment for nail fungus? Currently, there are only a few at home units available, so your choice of product comes down to a device from a company called Cure Ex that was launched on Nov 2015 in the U.S and another product that appears to be made in...
Unless contraindicated, prescription antifungal medications are the best method for treatment and most likely to result in cure. It is especially important to see a doctor right away if you have diabetes and notice onychomycosis on the feet. Diabetics have to be particularly vigilant about foot ...
The fungus can be seen “hatching” from its egg-like sac. And guess what it smells like after it has fully matured? Rotten flesh! Its hope is to attract flies to spread the spores in its “tentacles.” Clathrus archeri is native to Australia and New Zealand although it can be found ...
Today there are many options to choose from in the treatment of nail fungus. The best first step to take is to consult your healthcare provider. Together an effective plan to cure the fungal infection can be developed. [image fromFlickr] ...