Rumple Minze: German peppermint Schnapps, 100 proof. It is sweet and very minty, but with a strong alcohol burn. Rumple Minze is a brand, but the peppermint schnapps is the most well-known and synonymous with the brand. They also produce a berry and a lime Schnapps. Sabraa: Israel; Neu...
For example, peppermint schnapps is not as sweet as crème de menthe. And yet, apple schnapps is known to be rather sweet with a tart fruit flavor that will make your mouth pucker. Flavors Some schnapps flavors are found in both European and North American schnapps, though the taste is...
Of course, the best thing to pair with your eggnog is alcohol — and you have plenty of options when it comes to choosing spirits. But while rum, Kahlua, and peppermint schnapps are all top picks for a boozier celebration, don't limit yourself to your liquor cabinet. Eggnog is th...
"Now," Alastair said, as calmly as someone naming the time of day, "the first thing you learn about tarot is that the cards don't mean what you think. The Fool isn't meant to insult your intelligence, but to signal the new. The Tower doesn't signal protection, but chaos." This w...