Jolly Nature - Earthquake - Defog - U-turn - Roost Gliscor is another mon that's always been a fan favorite of mine and it was solely due to how powerful it was in the competitive landscape. I like Gliscor here as the next mon since it can role compress a lot of things fo...
With Unburden, we also outspeed Pult after activation, threatening the best ghost type in the tier, as well as Scarf Gholdengo, Revenakh, and Kitsunoh. Resisting fighting and being immune to Ground is a strong resume in the current metagame to boot. For our item, ...
No matter if a fan is new to the world ofPokémonor has been a Trainer in their own right for generations, every fan's story is unique and monumental to the player in their own way. A player's journey can certainly be influenced by the first region they explore, as well as the firs...
Dang, that's a tough question. I'd say for me most of the fun of using in-game mons comes from the design. I also like Pokemon with good setup moves, because one of my favourite things in Pokemon is sweeping an important NPC. It's even more fun if you're underleveled. I grew ...