So… what is the best shotgun in Fortnite? We’re going to go out on a limb here and say the Charge Shotgun. Yes, it takes some getting used to. Yes, it has a smaller magazine. And, yes, it is more unforgiving than the TAC. But once you’re fully acclimated, the Charge shot...
Here, we’ll take you through what The First Descendant max level is along with explaining what the different Descendant and Mastery levels mean. What is the max level in The First Descendant? As you play through the game, completing missions, unlocking new characters, and defeating bosses, yo...
everyone, so we've been waiting for the announcement of the next entry to start fresh, somewhat like Onimusha: Way of the Sword and Perfect Dark. We have only seen the tiniest glimpse at the future, but here is the full loadout on everything we know about what we're calling Battle...
but there’s a big battlefield surrounding the fortress, which is completely trappable. I think it’s fair to say when you learn to play War Scenarios, it can be very intimidating. The armies are very big in a War Scenario, they come over...