Learn the differences between community and enterprise Linux distros to help you decide which works best for your use case.
but Linux as well. So long as you have the right distribution, gaming on a Linux machine can be just as enjoyable. This does beg the question, “What is the best Linux distro for gaming?”
Since Linux is a completely open-source operating system, its source code is being scrutinized and improved almost daily by the Linux community. Windows and Mac don’t have this. Instead, users have to wait for security patches from the two companies to fix any bugs and security issues. Proc...
I will probably get a lot of hate for this one, but Linux Mint and Garuda Linux. Linux Mint package versioning is all over the place, x might be 2 weeks old, but y is 1 year old, and x needs a feature set of y that was implemented 6 months ago. It was a glitchy mess with...
Unlike Windows and macOS, the Linux landscape is teeming with countless distributions that bring their own set of unique features to the table. But with so many options, you're bound to have a distro or two as your favorites. Personally, I find it quite difficult to hone in on one ...
It's nothing that you can't live with, but just be prepared to mess with settings for a bit to get everything setup the way you like it. There is also two different audio drivers IIRC prevelant on Linux, Pulse Audio and Pipewire, and I forget which one I was using with that so ...
For many people, Ubuntu has become synonymous with Linux. But Ubuntu is one of many distros, and you have a lot of choice when it comes to Linux. What Is a Linux Distro, Anyway? Linux isn’t like Windows or Mac OS X. Microsoft combines all the bits of Windows internally to produce ...
However, not all Linux installations use GNU components as a part of the operating system: Android, for example, uses a Linux kernel but relies very little on GNU tools. What is the difference between Unix and Linux? You may have heard of Unix, which is an operating system developed in ...
Discover the Best Linux Lightweight Distro for a seamless upgrade! 2. Privacy-Focused Distros: Privacy and security are paramount in the digital age, and several Linux distributions prioritize safeguarding your data and online activities. Tails stands out as a live OS engineered for privacy and ...
Old laptop? New laptop? There is a Linux distro for every laptop type, so here are some of the best options.