Another simple method is to cut out a dead patch of lawn, break apart the soil, and count any larvae. You have an infestation when you have 15 or more larvae in a square foot. Mow your lawn.One of the best ways to manage crane flies is to keep your grass at 3 to 4 inches in ...
The best time to apply a chemical insecticide is June. At this time, the weather is mostly hot, and the chinch bugs become the most active. You can also go for a second application after two to three weeks in the case of a heavy population of bugs. The most recommended insecticides for...
What is it?! Guessing it is some kind of moth larvae but I figured you were the best resource to find out for sure! Any info is greatly appreciated. Signature: Bef so Def Scarab Beetle Grub Dear Bef do Def, This is the grub of a Scarab Beetle, most likely that of a May Beetle...
target insecticide methods in the right area to make it most effective. Listening to the chirping is the easiest way to determine if crickets are outside. If you want to pinpoint the location in your yard where crickets make their home, using a soap soak is a simple way to draw out ...
Experts who had studied the pharmacology of DDT and found it dangerous for all forms of life warned against its general use by the public as an insecticide. By 1945 it was known that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in the milk. This did nothing to stop the intensi...
Though first synthesized in 1874, DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) was not used as an insecticide until 1939, when Paul Hermann Müller discovered its effectiveness at killing pests. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1948 for his discovery, and DDT was widely used through the...
Looking to get rid of mosquitoes? Explore these home remedies for mosquitoes to learn what works and what is a myth when it comes to keeping mosquitoes away.
The insecticide directly affects mosquitoes' nervous system, leading to their incapacitation or death upon contact. Area coverage The fogger is designed to cover a specific area, and the effectiveness depends on factors such as the insecticide concentration, the size of the space, the time of app...
Worn and bare areas may be over-sown with lawn seed to match you existing grass type or patches of instant turf. Pest Control Keep an eye out for aphids, especially on roses, herbs and vegetable seedlings. Use a general garden insecticide like a pyrethrum spray to control them. Don’t fo...
The Rustik Oven is the best of both worlds, bringing together the great artisan taste and texture of a hand-crafted bread with the convenience of a bread that lasts. Learn more San Luis Bread San Luis Sourdough breads are made through a slow baking process to give it that full sourdough ...