Consider how much more spray a small dog is going to get on them in proportion to body size. A smaller dog may not tolerate the side effects as easily as a larger dog. If you have a smaller pooch and they seem to be having a lot of problems, you may want to get to the veterinar...
A diluted vinegar mixtureis also effective for spraying onto the dog’s beds, pillows, favorite couch cushion and/or your car seats to neutralize any scents. Freshen up with Febreze.Hit your dog’s favorite spots with someFebreze Air Heavy Duty Pet Odor Eliminator—but do not spray directly ...
Prevention is the best course of action in the case of fleas, so a monthly prescription from your veterinarian for flea prevention is very important year-round. “Sometimes, dog parent only use preventative medication for part of the year, but this is a common mistake since fleas are so hard...