Lin Hao, in face of so great a catastrophe, did not evade but gave his hands to his classmates. It was his confidence and calmness that gave others the second life. I am proud of him. To be honest, Lin Hao is my little hero in my heart. Bernard Shaw has ever said a word. "Tho...
The empowerment journey that is critical to your healing - and to your life - comes from progressing through the deep waters of your dark passions and continuing onward to discover not what has been taken from you, but what you have yet to give and who you have yet to become. — Carolin...
Persistence refers to object and process characteristics that continue to exist even after the process that created it ceases or the machine it is running on is powered off. When an object or state is created and needs to be persistent, it is saved in a non-volatile storage location, like ...
Perseverance refers to the steadfast persistence in doing something despite difficulties or delay in achieving success, while resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.
While this is sort of the cut-and-dry definition, Laurie Mintz, Ph.D. a licensed psychologist, certified sex therapist, and author of Becoming Cliterate, points out that modern Evangelical views of "purity" go far beyond this simplest framework. Within contemporary, fundamental Christianity, not...
What is the bond of true friendship? Find out more about trust, loyalty, understanding, kindness, and support—characteristics of genuine companionship.
Success is very personal so your definition will be–and should be–different than mine. To me, growth for growth’s sake is meaningless, but profitable growth with interesting clients solving important problems is what keeps me engaged and excited. ...
Persistence Questioning 5. Organization Organizing your work is even more important in the era of remote jobs and flexible work arrangements. Employers look for particular traits and want reliable workers who can keep deadlines, prioritize tasks, and perform their jobs efficiently. Among interpersonal ...
One of the most useful traits of WorkflowIdentity is that it’s a part of the workflow instance state and lives through the entire lifecycle of an activity: It’s saved during persistence, can be queried from the instance store and is emitted with the tracking information for a workflow inst...
One process that leads to belief perseverance is theavailability heuristic, which people use to determine how likely an event or behavior might be based on how easily they can think of past examples. So if someone negatively judges their ability to give a successful presentation at work, it may...