In the Yugioh anime, the game of Duel Monsters is based on the ancient Games of Darkness, or Shadow Games. When Pegasus made Duel Monsters, the game revived all of that dark magic and seeped the cards in it. Since then, throughout the early iterations of the franchise, the concept was ...
In addition, there is also theside deck, with cards you can use to modify your deck. After each duel in a match, you can exchange any card from the side deck for cards from the main or add-on deck to adapt your strategy to your opponent's. The number of cards in your side deck ...
at the start of the game, and once per Duel, if you controlDon Zaloog, you can discard a card to Special Summon 2 Dark Scorpion monsters with different names – one from your hand and one from your Deck. The Skill Card keeps you from Summoning or Setting any monsters that aren’t pa...