Mouse-ear hawkweed is a spreading plant of dry grasslands with short turf and chalky soils, such as those of sand dunes, heaths, clifftops and chalk downlands. Looking a bit like a ragged version of its relative, theCommon dandelion, its lemon-yellow flower heads are a composite of lots ...
flowers, and roots will boost the benefits as long as you haven’t treated them with weed killer. Simply wash the flowers or leaves and immerse them in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. You may also brew dandelion “coffee” with the roots. You must adequately ...
The sunflower, with its tall stalks and distinctive yellow and black bloom, is a drought-tolerant plant with a short summer growing season. The beauty of the sunflower is appealing not only to people but insect pests that eat foliage, roots and flower of the plant. Cultural control and ap...