Collect the finished compost for use. Choose a Site Where to place your compost pile is an important thing to consider. You want to be able to keep the pile away from your house, but not so far away that you won't go out and attend to it. But you don't want it too close to ...
Explore at-home composting and learn the difference between acompost pile vs bin, andhow to set up your own system to recycle organic materials and make finished compost for your garden and houseplants. What Is Composting? What is a compost pile, and how does it work? Composting takes organi...
Open compost piles are the least expensive to build because they don't require you to purchase a bin at all. They're the hardest to maintain, however, because they're exposed to the elements. If the weather is dry, for instance, you may need to add water to your compost pile. Too m...
Compostcanbeusedtoenrichtheflowerand vegetablegarden,toimprovethesoilaroundtrees andshrubs,asasoilamendmentforhouseplants andplanterboxesand,whenscreened,aspartofa seed-startingmixorlawntop-dressing.Beforethey decompose,chippedwoodywastesmakeexcellent mulchorpathmaterial.Aftertheydecompose, thesesamewoodywasteswill...
Often, the best course of action for dealing with pests is to never have to deal with them at all. But instead of relying on pesticides and sprays to repel pests like rats, squirrels, or cockroaches, you can try for a much gentler approach. Here's what that will look like: ...
Composting is an easy way toreduce household food waste. As a bonus, composting creates vital fuel for flower beds, new trees or a vegetablegarden. The green practice was once considered niche but has gone mainstream with municipally mandated composting programs in many cities, private compost co...
The above-ground growth of plants that were diseased this past season also needs to go, regardless of the pathogen. Don’t allow their fallen leaves or plant parts to remain on the ground, or they’ll infect the soil and next year’s plants. Never compost them. Fall is also the time ...
Compost will also loosen heavy clay soil and improve its drainage and texture. For sandy soil, it reduces the frequency of water drainage and increases the retention of nutrients and moisture. Best of all, Greensand is safe for the entire garden. It isn’t toxic to humans and pets, and ...
Earthworm excretions, known as worm castings, provide rich nourishment for plants.Earthworms eat a range of matter in your soil, so adding your own compost and keeping soil moist and cool by laying mulch on the soil surface is helpful. Minimize tilling and avoid using pesticides, which harm ...
Worm tea is fertilizer made by soakingworm castingsin water to extract the valuable nutrients inside. Gardeners who practice vermicomposting can make their own, while others can order castings or prepared tea from gardening stores. This fertilizer can be used on indoor and outdoor plants and is ...