You should rather use a specific low-noise amplifier including a filter for the L-band (1.5GHz) for best signal to noise ratio (S/N). Coaxial Cable: High-quality UHF coaxial cable. We used Airspy’s YOULOOP 2m long transmission line (blue cable), which is rated up to 18GHz. Computer...
Aside from the Characteristic Impedance, which for Ham applications will be 50 ohms most of the time, the next main specification parameter of coaxial cable is the attenuation for 100 feet of cable. The next critical parameter is the power handling. Finally, the environmental specifications and me...
For use with RF antennas, baluns are needed where a balanced antenna such as a dipole is used. The most convenient form of feeder to use is coaxial cable as this can be routed far more conveniently along antenna towers, or poles, along the ground and through buildings, etc without the ...
The ATU / antenna tuner enables this to be achieved and as a result, it is an essential part of many radio communication stations used for broadcast, commercial, military and ham radio.Older valve or vacuum tube transmitters were more able to withstand the high voltages and current levels ...
A "digital cable filter" is a very small device designed to be installed between a set-top-box (or "digital receiver") and a cable outlet. Marketed as "a convenience" or "for enthusiasts and hobbyists" as a means to "try out" Pay Per View programming, it
The true origin of the term "ham" seems to have been lost, but there are several theories. It may simply be a shortcut way of saying the first syllable of "amateur radio." Hams start out in amateur radio for many reasons, but what they all have in common is a basic knowledge of ...
Can be used to set the unit to any frequency, even though the PLL step is 6.25KHz. You can for example use this to set the frequency to 100.005KHz by first using the LCD to set it to 100.006.250Hz and than using this trimmer to shift it to 100.005.000Hz. R. 3-wire cable to ...
We now offer a high-quality stainless-steel rack mount kit for the Bode 100. Check it out... May2021 Register for the Live Webinar on Dielectric Spectroscopy On Wednesday, June 30th, 2021 we are offering a live, interactive webinar on Dielectric Spectroscopy. The webinar is being offered at...
We now offer a high-quality stainless-steel rack mount kit for the Bode 100. Check it out... May2021 Register for the Live Webinar on Dielectric Spectroscopy On Wednesday, June 30th, 2021 we are offering a live, interactive webinar on Dielectric Spectroscopy. The webinar is being offered at...