A competitive shooter is supposed to be an Even Playing Field where skill determines the winner. Not RNG and difference of Ammo and Armor. As it stands 90% of the time the team that will win is the team with the player that has the best Kit unlocked. In no world should I be playing...
Beyond brand building, and dooming a cherry Tesla to a billion years in lonely orbit, the interesting thing about the Falcon Heavy is that it's big and cheap. The Falcon Heavy won't be the largest or most powerful rocket ever built. As Space.com reported, both of those titles still be...
ALTAirsoft Lunel Team(French Airsoft group) ALTAnarchists, Lunatics and Terrorists(apocryphal origin of newsgroup hierarchy) ALTAnti Leech Tracker ALTAchievement Level Test ALTApproximate Lower Triangular(coding scheme) ALTAssociation for Local Telecommunications ...
BSABesançon Sport Airsoft(French airsoft group) BSABusiness Systems Applications(US Navy) BSABusiness Service Agreement BSABlock Space Agreement(freight contract) BSABlois Sologne Astronomie(French astronomy club) BSABlavet Scorff Athlétisme(French athletic club) ...
Real guns are dangerous and expensive, and they require training and composure to use correctly. That’s why a lot of the weapons you see on TV are relatively harmless airsoft or pellet guns made to look like the real thing, or sometimes even painted NERF guns for the more outlandish examp...