每日英文表达Day11 What's your memorable gift you've ever received? Angela-学英语 4 0 每日英文表达Day10 Describe your dream vacation. Angela-学英语 0 0 每日英文表达Day12 If you live anywhere in the world,where would it be? Angela-学英语 1 0 ...
每天坚持听讲解,并根据问题练习,给自己一个地道输入和输出的机会,你也可以张口自信说英语。 主题:What’sthebestadviceyouhaveeverreceived? Afriend’sfatheroncesaidtome:Whenyou’refiguringoutwhattodowithyourlife,Ithinkit’samistaketofirstdecidewhatyouwanttodoandthenmovetothebestlocationtodothatthing.Instead,pic...
Global Perspectives: What Is the Best Advice You Ever Received Relating to the Practice of Communication or the Profession?Communication World
The article provides answers to a question on the best advice ever received by the respondents.HollisSusanBC Business
Over the past 30-plus years, I have received a lot of valuable advice from mentors and peers. If I had to boil it down to the three best pieces of advice to share, it would be: 1) Build a team around you that is passionate, competitive, driven, intelligent, problem-solvers, a...
At the time what he said only translated to: "No, you can't quit." As time moves, you become more grateful for your parents. You start to realize they care for you. Generally, what they say is in your best interest. I remembered his advice and tried it out on my next few jobs....
Forum member S_Freeman stressed the importance ofauthenticity, saying, “The best advice I ever received is to be my authentic self. This is very important since it allows you to connect with persons on a real and authentic level. “Even if you are the most talented and have all the care...
Do you think Geography is useful? Have you ever studied Geography at school? Do you want to be a geographer in the future? Gifts What's the best gift you've ever received? Do you like to give expensive gifts? How often do you buy gifts for other people?
Expensive isn’t always better–you don’t always get what you pay for, and exaggerated claims abound in the industry. The first bit resonates me as I’ve tried a plethora of products from affordable to jaw-dropping in price, and aside from efficacy for the price, I’ve also come to ...
1. When do you think is the best time to learn driving? 2. How do you feel about getting older? 3. Should we treat people of different ages in the same way? Stay up late 1. Do you often stay up late? 2. What do you do when you stay up late?