Tantric systems transform the basic human passions of desire and aversion for the purpose of spiritual development. Rather than denying such primal urges, tantra purifies them into wholesome and helpful forces. It is very much like trying to deal with a wild horse charging towards you. One-way ...
the yellow kite is he the yellow press the yellow turban reb the yipingtang of the the yoga korunta the yosemite moon and the young child and m the young man has oft the young teacher had the young wild one fr the youngest leave the youth are our fut the youth writers the yuan-ti ...
What are the three main beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism? What religion has the Four Noble Truths? What are the four main principles of Confucianism? Name three main concepts of Taoism What is the axiology of constructivism? What are the three anchor points of rationalism?
What is atman in Buddhism? What are the basic questions that The Bhagavad Gita explores? What is Krishna consciousness? What is meditation in Taoism? What is Taoism? What does The Bhagavad Gita say about desire? What is the Hindu concept of enlightenment?
Often, people have some vague idea that mindfulness exercises have something to do with meditation, Buddhism, and staying present. And indeed, this is true! These are all excellent places to start! But the truth is mindfulness is quite a fundamental concept at its root. It's something you ...
Another main idea of Buddhism, karma is the belief that every action we take has an effect. To illustrate this idea, Buddhists use the agricultural metaphor that sowing good or bad seeds will result in good or bad fruit. For Buddhists, karma is used to explain inequality and is a reminder...
Although atheism is not a religion, some religions may be atheist religions.Some sects of Buddhismdo not posit a Supreme Being; neither do some sects of Hinduism. Unitarian Universalism is often non-theistic; it varies from congregation to congregation. Ethical Culture is non-theist. ...
Within the framework of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism, advice is given as to the best way to live within dharma, meaning in harmony with nature. This includes the idea of mindfulness: living life mindfully, examining one’s own behaviour in the light of moksha and dharma. Mindfulness in ...
For me, the purpose of life is an opportunity to create the most glorious experience of who I am that I can envision. This tends to involve service to others. Of course, when I get there, I find that there is a whole other larger vision that arises. ...
European society has always been divided into classes, so people there accept the idea of status very easily and naturally. Whereas in America, a mobile society, a kind of social paranoia exists, because no one is certain what his status in society is. In America everyone thinks he...