What are resistant starches/carbohydrates? Why are they considered a 'good' carbohydrate, would they be good to consume during or after exercise? What are two advantages of using fat over carbohydrates for fuel storage in the body? What is the importance of proteins to the health of a human...
The molecule diagramed here is a: A. Carbohydrate B. Lipid C. Protein What organic compounds are present in the cell that aren't one of the four main groups (lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids, and carbohydrates)? What would the amino acids on the outside of t...
However, just because any other page does not have specific usage of the wordswhat isdoes not render it completely different from those with. Many articles, mainly the second tier pages, start with a description or definition of the main subject under review. Update:This page has been modified...
Fats are similar to carbohydrate due to the production of carbon dioxide, water, and energy from the metabolic process of fat. What makes fats a great energy storage system is the water insolubility of fats and the higher energy per gram for fats compared to both carbohydrates and proteins. ...
Osmolality is often used to determine dehydration. In this lesson, we will learn how it is typically measured as well as the pros of the most...
When it comes to the sleep definition itself, we know it helps us to rest, but what actually is sleep. What is our body doing when it happens? What we do know is that various areas of the brain are part of the sleep process: Hypothalamus –a tiny part of the brain that is filled...
What is fiber and how do good sources of fiber enhance health? Here’s what you need to know about it and the best fiber-rich foods! What is fiber, and what are the best fiber-rich foods? A carbohydrate found in plant foods, dietary fiber is unique because your body cannot digest or...
Third, this review revisits outmoded dogmas about the basic science of type 2 diabetes—premises that continue to be widely reiterated in physician education but are, in fact, incorrect. Today’s type 2 diabetes is “not your mother’s type 2 diabetes,” that is, our modern understanding of...
There are 4 major macromolecules in the cells. What is the monomer of proteins, and what is the basic structure and the covalent bond between them? What determines the direction a motor protein moves along the microtubule track? Identify the function of the prote...
What is the monomer of a protein? What are nucleic acids made of? What are the monomers of DNA? What are the three components of nucleic acids? What is a carbohydrate monomer? What macromolecules are polymers made of nucleotides? What are some examples of nucleic acids?