The baroque period was dominated by the works of Johann Sebastian Bach, whose music is renowned for its complexity and intricate harmonies, and George Frederic Handel, who particularly excelled at writing grandiose ceremonial music as well as hugely popular operas. A fine example of Handel’s tale...
Baroque architecture is the building style of the Baroque era, begun in late 16th-century Italy, that took the Roman vocabulary of Renaissance architecture and used it in a newrhetorical([rɪˈtɒrɪkl] 华丽的,夸张的)and theatrical fashion, often to express the triumph of the Catholic...
What is the Baroque affect? Baroque Music: In European history, the Baroque era of art was very influential. Within this, music of the Baroque era helped codify many of the rules of Western music. Baroque music was ornamental, technical, and emotional. ...
Baroque opera refers to opera composed during the Baroque era, a period in the artistic history of Europe. The Baroque era is usually regarded as encompassing the years between 1600 and 1750, following the previous Renaissance period and eventually giving way to the subsequent Classical period. The...
What is Fidelio? What is the Bourrée? What is a French Horn? Discussion Comments Byroser— On May 06, 2011 @softener - Unless I'm feeling particularly low, I prefer the lightness and gentle melodiousness of Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata. I like the fact that I can play it myself, als...
What is the structure of blues music? What is a 2 beat note called? What is a dominant chord? What is a fugue in music appreciation? What is semiotics in music? What does allegro maestoso mean in music? What musical forms came to define the Baroque era?
What are the characteristics of the Baroque era? Well-known Baroque composers What is galant music? Learn more about music history, terminology, and other musical terms Learn the songs you love with Yousician Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, Yousician has the tools to help you le...
[原创]i think music is the most fantastic thing that i like best in the world. since baroque era, music has been one of the most important of all things.for many reasons, it's so fantastic.i think the person who invent music must be admireable. i've found that he was ...
During the Baroque era, embroidery became more ornate and elaborate. Designs were created using gold and silver threads, and pearls and sequins were used to add sparkle and shine. Embroidery was used to create luxurious garments, such as court dresses, waistcoats, and breeches. The embroidery ...
Learn the definition of phrase in music and understand how it works. Learn the meaning of phrasing and see examples of how phrase structure is used...