The interquartile of a distribution is the range of values including the middle 50% of the distribution, leaving out the highest and lowest quartiles. Alternative estimates of the current masses for MC clusters are provided by other studies, e.g., by McLaughlin and van der Marel (2005), wh...
Christmas Message: Economic Recovery, Bah, Humbug While western government economists pump out propaganda about how economic recovery is steaming ahead (in the hope of persuading consumers to take on debt ad start spending in the befief that good times are just round the corner, and politicians ...
A little over a year ago I published an article on, titled “The Big Lie About the US Army – What the US Army is not telling the American People”. In it I talk about the standards being higher now, than ever, especially physical fitness, the Army Combat Fitness Te...
Virtual learning is quite challenging for her because she has an inattentive form of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and finds it hard to focus on both Zoom classes and material presented asynchronously. Despite all of this, she surpassed the gratitude journal assignment – meditate ...
“Bah!” said Scrooge, “Humbug!” Note: Some writers distinguish between direct and indirect characterisation by saying that direct characterisation is about physical attributes and other external factors—but I feel a better way to frame that would be as internal vs external characterisation. Let’...
According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, acupoints are specifically chosen sites of acupuncture manipulation, and also the basis for studying the mechanism of acupuncture. Stimulating different acupoints on the body surface could provide various therapeutic benefits. However, what is the ac...
The first is making an eggshell tea by soaking the eggshells in water for about eight hours and sieving out the shells to extract the tea. You can thenuse the liquid to water your plant, as the nutrients would be diluted into the water. ...
“Now that is a true service: a week later and they have arrived (and they are looking good). And don’t worry: I’ll try to keep up the banner of Dark Sword Miniatures up here in Belgium.” “I just wanted to say, I absolutely love your miniatures. I plan on trying to order ...
Thus, this paper aims to reconsider Vasubandhu’s discussion of the “purpose” of the sūtras, reconfirm its position within the framework of sūtra interpretation in the VyY, and present the characteristics of the VyY as a lively manual for preaching. What is the Purpose of Buddhist Sūtras...
(not having seen the actual book, mind you) that Lobina’s bile is justified. In any case, it is highly entertaining, and I think that is enough of a basis to present these excerpts to you; he introduces it by saying “this is possibly the worst book I have ever read in my career...