And I also realized that it’s human nature to think we’re at the centre of the known universe. But still, you might want to check this place out for yourself. Because I think we just might have stumbled upon the axis mundi of the Pacific Rim…then again, it could have been that ...
Law out of balance is no law at all. I suggest that the DMCA is just this imbalance and the unbalanced DMCA has created other imbalances that in turn transferred wealth from the many to the few. One of the biggest dangers to our society currently and in ...
Yellow hue for clean and joyful cooking:Yellow is a bright, warm colour. It is both joyful and clean. Think about bright yellow things – they are generally positive and fresh – lemons, bananas, sunflowers, and the sun itself. Domus Nova “Light reflectance with yellows is wonderful so if...
concilio determinandum est, ut omnes qui in ea viviumus unum sapiamuis quod vestra industria CONCEDAT qui nos unanimes VULT HABERE IN DOMO SUA." Abbo of Fleury, Apologeticus ad hugonem et rodbertum
Hence, no idealized human in 2017 “deserves a statue or national holiday.”“When the people of the future look back on us, it is best that they have no statues to remember us. They would tear down every one. We imagine that history has progressed to the point at which we may sit ...
In addition to being low in calories, the VLCKD's main feature is its unique calorie distribution, emphasizing a reduction in carbohydrate consumption in favor of fat as the primary calorie source. Lowering calorie intake through a VLCKD can reduce the endogenous production of cholesterol. However...
That is the Axis mundi, the axis of the world, connecting the heavens with the underworld. This here is a perfect picture of the Mayan cosmos." NARRATOR: The Mayans believed that the cosmos is divided into three worlds: the upper world, the earth or middle world and the underworld with...
is the most early-diverging clade, and this lineage is sister to a large radiation of the genus Pharaxonotha onto Zamia, with apparent host shifts onto Dioon and Ceratozamia. Analysis of beetles are in accord with current models of continental drift in the Caribbean basin, support some ...
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